The Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health – AIM has created a new resource in collaboration with community birth experts, the Community Birth Transfer Resource Kit (CBTRK), to provide best practices for safe and timely transfers regardless of birth setting or care model. In this resource kit, “community birth” refers to planned birth at home or in a freestanding birth center, most commonly in a midwifery model of care. Creating systems that promote safer birth in all scenarios is a key component to improving the safety and quality of care provided to all patients.
The AIM Community Birth Transfer Resource Kit is a collection of best practices to aid in supporting safe and timely transfers from community birth settings to hospitals if the need for a transfer of care arises. The development of this Resource Kit was supported by a multidisciplinary working group of subject matter experts to foster respect, safety, and communication for patients, families, providers, and systems engaged in community birth transfers.
- This resource kit is not intended to be a response manual but rather provides background and resources for planning, communication, and implementation of processes related to the needs that may arise when transfers from community birth settings to hospitals are needed.
- This resource kit may particularly benefit quality improvement teams, community birth providers, hospitals, clinicians, administrators, and other health care team members involved in efforts to improve community birth transfer processes.
- Because high quality care is not possible without equitable care, centering equity in quality improvement and implementation of elements of this resource kit is crucial to address inequities that lead to disparities in health outcomes.
Download individual sections or the full AIM’s Community Birth Transfer Resource Kit at