The Central Resource Hub serves as a single point of contact for non-emergency behavioral health inquiries and guidance on navigating the behavioral health system. It is available to the general public, county and government officials, hospitals, and other...
Missouri PQC Releases ‘Integrating Doula Care Into Clinical Care Settings’
This week, the MO PQC published a guidance resource, Integrating Doula Care Into Clinical Care Settings, which was co-authored by eight doulas from Missouri. The guidance gives background on the roles of doulas and illustrates how health care facilities...
Missouri PQC Launches Data Dashboards For Birthing Hospitals
On Oct. 30, the Missouri Perinatal Quality Collaborative launched data dashboards for hospitals participating in the MO PQC. The dashboards, developed in collaboration with the Hospital Industry Data Institute, include severe maternal morbidity data, cesarean...
Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) Releases New Community Birth Transfer Resource Kit (CBTRK)
The Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health - AIM has created a new resource in collaboration with community birth experts, the Community Birth Transfer Resource Kit (CBTRK), to provide best practices for safe and timely transfers regardless of birth setting or...
Missouri Medicaid Enhances Maternal Health By Reimbursing For Doula Services
JEFFERSON CITY, MO - The Missouri Department of Social Services' MO HealthNet Division (MHD) is proud to announce that on October 2, 2024, the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) approved a State Plan Amendment (SPA) that enables the state to begin reimbursing...